Advanced Q-switched Nd:YAG laser system
Tattoo Removal
Hair Bleaching
Pigmented Lesions
Skin Rejuvenation
CuRAS Hybrid
As an advanced Q-switched Nd:YAG laser system, CuRAS provides optimal performance for the treatment of tattoos, melasma, non-ablative resurfacing and pigmented lesions. The dual 1064/532nm wavelengths with different handpieces enable practitioners to select a wide range of applications to suit the needs of each patient, thereby increasing treatment efficacy.
Please kindly email us to request for quotation.
Email : Oppelium@outlook.comMULTIPLE HANDPIECETYPES
1. Zoom Handpiece
Adjustable from 2 to 10mm in 1mm increments
Main Uses
Mode: Q 1064, Q 532, PTP 1064, FR 1064, M 1064, A 1064
Indications: Epidermal & dermal pigmentations2. Collimated Handpiece
An 8mm fixed collimated handpiece for soft peeling
Main Uses
Mode: Q 1064, PTP 1064, M 1064
Indications: Normal dermal pigmentations
3. MLA Handpiece
Up to 74 fractional dots in a 7mm spot size15 x more energy in each dot
Three distance gauges: 35mm, 25mm & 15mm
Main Uses
Mode: Q 1064, Q 532
Indications: Scars, Skin Rejuvenation, Melasma, Laser toning
4. 585 DyeHandpiece
Spot size:2mmPulse Energy:Max. 200mJ
Main Uses
Mode: Q 585
Indications: Tattoo removal
5. 650 DyeHandpiece
Spot size:2mm
Pulse Energy:Max. 160mJ
Repetition rate:1-2Hz
Main Uses
Mode: Q 650
Indications: Tattoo removal